Our most frequent questions and answers
 General Questions
 How do I register a warranty for my Longboard Products?
  • You can find a copy of the warranty at https://www.longboardproducts.com/warranty. You will need to download and complete the 15-year warranty, then you will send the completed form, as well as the materials invoice, to warranty@longboardproducts.com. There we will review the document and register the warranty for you.

 How do I order Longboard Samples?
  • Samples can be ordered from our website here. You are able to order all of the profiles that we have available as well as all of the woodgrain, solid color, and naturally aged metal finishes we are currently offering.

 What does shipping cost?
  • Shipping is included at no additional charge for all orders over $7000 list price. For orders under $7000 list price, there is a flat shipping charge depending on the destination. Please contact us for more information.

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